子犬たちその後 After the pappies
The Pappys that have gone to new family on the July, It seems that they are doing well with each being taken care of.
At first, “Unagi”(pedigree name is Nagiko), who gone to Sotobou. I think that she will grow now even more than These photoes, because they are pictures of her right after she moved into her new home. It seems that she is already getting along well with the children.

お次は、犬舎から車で15分足らずのOさん家に行った、雨暁改め力(リキ)君。実は、お盆の間、飼い主さんの旅行のため里帰り保育もしていました。なんとも、やんちゃ坊主で…Oさん一家の苦労がしのばれました^^; やさしく面倒見て頂いていてありがとうございます。
Next “Riki”(pedigree name is Ukyou), who has gone to near by our Kennel.His new home only 15minutes from here.In fact, during the “Obon”, I was taking care of him at his hometown due to his owner’s trip. What a mischievous boy… I was able to endure the hardships of Mr. O’s family ^^; Mr. O’s family, Thank you for taking care of him so kindly.

Last one is “Sen”(pedigree name is Rainsen), who has gone to Murakami city,Niigata.I thought he would be fine wherever he went because he was calm and at his own pace, but he seems to be spending his time at his own pace.

They seems to be fine despite the heat. I was relieved that they seemed to be accustomed to theis new family.